Death Therapy
by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy
His name was Remo.
And when he stepped up to the first tee of the Silver Creek Country Club in Miami Beach,
he was mad.
It was a Long Shot
No, not a bet at great odds. Rather, a .357 Magnum bullet. A high-powered projectile beautifully designed to do a specific job very efficiently. Blam! Another shot, and Remo realized that he was on the short end of a zeroing-in process. What a way to spoil a guy's day off at the golf course!
He charged toward the sound of the rifle-fire. First straight and fast, then sideways without changing direction...and another bullet whizzed past. Stop, slow roll to the right, leading the marksman. From right to left, dodging, weaving, swerving, travelling the fairway like a crazed pin-ball; closing the distance between himself and the sniper. Then he saw him. Them! Three face-blackened commando-types, paratroop boots and dull-green uniforms. Wow, just like a James Bond movie!
Later, after messing up the greensward a bit, Remo called his chief to report that CURE, their secret organization, was no longer secret. And perhaps the Destroyer was getting too popular after all.
Review: Well, it has its moments...the best of which involves Remo and Chiun undergoing a battery of psychological tests. Apart from these moments, Death Therapy is a standard early Destroyer novel. Fun to read, but not worthy of being reread more than once.
I give Death Therapy a totally average score of ½.