Never Say Die
by Mike Newton
His name was Remo, and he was just killing time..
to Raise
Perfect Killers
Forensic evidence in a couple of assassinations reveals a curious link between the killers: identical fingerprints and genetic code. Could it be twins? But when the next killer's traces show the same result, law enforcement authorities are baffled.
The bizarre problem is entrusted to CURE's Dr. Harold Smith, and he puts Remo and Chiun on a trail leading back decades to a literal dead end.
Now it's up to the Master of Sinanju and his disciple to sort out the pieces--a long-dead killer and a shadowy global security corporation--before a deadly kind of immortality is visited upon them.
Review: Well, this shows some small improvement too, but it's still not up to the quality of even a bad Will Murray book. I'd skip this one, unless you enjoy disappointment. Wait for the next book, they get much better! Oh, and who is that on the cover? Tell me it's not Remo! And what's up with that shadow? It looks like the shadow of a reggae Freddy Kreuger.
Never Say Die? Die! Die, Mike Newton! .