Infernal Revenue
By Will Murray
His name was Remo, and he was whistling into the teeth
of a hurricane.
friends like this,
who needs enemies?
When a smooth-talking artificial-intelligence computer chip known as Friend covertly hijacks the new computer system at CURE, Harold Smith and his supersecret crime-fighting organization log on to turbo trouble.
Friend's fiendish strategy screws up the data base so efficiently that both Remo and Chiun quit--bad timing now that Friend has released a stealth virus that will attack systems everywhere, holding the world hostage to technoterrorism.
With CURE's intelligence network rendered useless and the IRS at his door, Smith's only option looks like a suicide pill. But Friend overplays his hand, and now a reluctant Remo and determined Chiun are back on the payroll--powered up to foil the greatest threat CURE has ever faced.
Review: Yes, the series hits its stride with this novel, which is my single favorite of all the Gold Eagle books to date. Friend is used cleverly and effectively as a villain for once, and the insane program chip strikes CURE from within, causing Remo and Chiun to turn their backs on Smith in his moment of need. A wonderful, gripping novel.
Infernal Revenue is a great book .