by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy
His name was Remo and he was catching bullets.
from the Past
When a garbageman in California is found skinned alive, Remo and Chiun figure it's dirty business. When the same man starts showing up in the company of a tipsy lady scientist, they know something's really rotten. But when they find out that the new face belongs to an old foe--a deadly enemy they killed themselves--they know trouble's heading right for their laps, and they've got to move fast to keep from landing down in the dumps...for good.
Hot on a trail littered with peril, Remo and Chiun head for Moscow, where the KGB, the scientist, and the once-dead enemy of Sinanju teach them just who's going to bury whom. As they waster away in a Soviet prison, America's future is coming to a head--a warhead. And with Remo and Chiun incarcerated, the U.S. is doomed to be incinerated...unless, somehow, the odds shift to give the good guys a fighting chance....
Review: Two in a row. Mr. Gordons, the kill-crazed android is back and looking for revenge. Along the way, Remo, Chiun, and the android end up scrapping with the might of the Soviet Union and get involved with a communist plot to destroy the U.S. As if they didn't have enough trouble with Gordons...
Dying Space is an excellent book, worthy of .