Voodoo Die
by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy
His name was Remo and the lights went out all around him.

33.tif (839460 bytes)Black Magic

When Reverend Prescott Plumber goes to the island of Baqia in the Caribbean to save souls and bodies, he discovers a fantastic happy drug the natives call "mung." However, when it's shot with radiation, it turns people into puddle. It's deadly. And so is pro-Communist Generalissimo Sacrist Corazon--President for Life of the island--when he gets his hands on the Mung Machine and aims it at innocent Reverend Plumber.

Suddenly, the world is beating a path to Corazon's palace door. They've heard about the mung device and everyone wants to have it--the Chinese, the Russinals, the CIA.

That's where Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and his teacher, Chiun come in. But even they are stumped when Comrade Corazon not only manipulates Russia and China into building competing missile bases on Baqia--he also starts casting spells, as chief priest of voodoo, their way.

As a last-ditch equal opportunity gesture, the CIA sends in lovely and black Ruby Gonzalez, quite capable of casting her own spells. But even her black magic may not be able to save Remo and Chiun from Corazon's deadly tar pits and the United STates from total nuclear extinction!

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Review: The Good: I like Ruby Gonzalez quite a bit. There's a wonderful chemistry between her and the main characters (Remo, Chiun, and Smith). This is the first book to use her, and ever page Ruby's on is worth reading. Too bad the others aren't

The Bad: Well, most of the rest of the book. What the hell is "mung?!?" Could the central premise of this book be any worse?

The Ugly: The fact that Ruby's debute is such a lousy Destroyer book (in my humble opinion).

Somebody's been sticking pins in the doll, Voodoo Die gets .jpg (6584 bytes).


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