High Priestess
By Will Murray
His name was Remo, and he was trying to remember how to spell Buttafuoco.

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New Age diva Squirrelly Chicane--the hottest channeler this side of Atlantis--has made millions getting high on the afterlife. So when a delegation of Himalayan holy men convince a very stoned Squirrelly that she's an incarnation of the Bunji Lama, she figures ruling their little country would be a kick.

But big bad China is playing a nasty game of turf war--and Tibet is the unlucky first contestant. The holy underdogs hoped that an American national on the throne--even one as nuts as Squirrelly--would keep the bullies away. Not! Now, the U.S. is sitting on a powder keg. Solution: send in Remo and Chiun with some free tickets to paradise.

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Review: This is the first book from Gold Eagle, and I have to say I was impressed. The cover art was great, I like the new logo, and the books are up to a massive 350 pages. This was a decent enough adventure, too much Shirley, I mean Squirrelly for my tastes, but not bad.

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