Skull Duggery
by Will Murray
His name was Remo and he really, really knew his rice.

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What was in the Chinese box that a student survivor of Tiananmen Square smuggled into the States? What fiend in human form left footprints pointed backward in the snow? Remo and Chiun found every answer led to a bizarre new riddle. And, as the Chinese box turned into a Pandora's box of peril, Chiun found himself on a trail to nowhere beyond the Great Wall. That left Remo tangling with a female who matched him in bed, and a foe who equaled him in battle--and the world shadowed by a fearful force that made Genghis Khan seem like Santa Claus....

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Review: This is a strange one. It has everything from references to the Green Hornet, Fu Manchu, and Bruce Lee. And Remo gets to go toe-to-toe with at least one of them! It's not a bad book, but it felt more like the plot of a Doc Savage book than a Destroyer.

I didn't really dig Skull Duggery .jpg (6584 bytes).jpg (6584 bytes).jpg (6584 bytes)½.


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